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The House System at Mercy Academy

Domos Sanctorum -- Houses of the Saints

At its most basic, a House System is a way to divide students into smaller communities within our school. More importantly, the houses create opportunities to build character, relationships, school spirit and engage in public service.

When students enter Our Lady of Mercy Academy, they are assigned to one of four houses: Saint Ursula, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Saint Drogo, or Saint Josephine Bakhita. Students remain in the same house for all four years. Each house is a mix of Grades 9-12.  

Each house has a house color, emblem/logo and Latin motto that is representative of its patron saint.

Each house is led by a House Advisor from the faculty and a Head of House elected by students.

Houses compete for points throughout the year in an effort to win the House Cup at the end of the school year.  Points can be earned with highest cumulative GPA and attendance, service hours and fundraising for charities that promote Catholic values, and friendly extracurricular competitions, school club membership and athletics.

The House System is overseen by the School Counselor, but planning and execution of the system is carried out by the Head of House and their cabinet.

Houses meet weekly during lunch to address/plan school related activities.


The House System at Mercy Academy benefits individual students and the school culture at large by:

● allowing new students to be part of a small group, which will help them acclimate quickly and establish a sense of belonging.
● creating a place where students can develop meaningful relationships with other students and staff.
● giving students an opportunity to interact with peers from each grade level.
● providing a great way to get to know each other outside of a classroom setting.
● increasing opportunities for student leadership, school spirit and extracurricular activities.
● creating a source of positive peer influence, motivating students to make healthy and productive academic and life choices.

Strong student leadership and engagement within the Houses builds an positive school climate where diversity of thought and expression are valued, and all students feel accepted and appreciated. The House System facilitates a fun and vibrant school culture!

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© 2024  Our Lady of Mercy Academy

Phone:   603/352-2720

Fax:   603/358-5465

161 Main Street

Keene, NH 03431

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